Who We Are
At UE Systems, we believe that every person regardless of their industry, company size, experience and budget should have the tools and support to help their facilities operate more efficiently, reliably, and safer. We do this by providing a portfolio of ultrasound solutions designed to be versatile and simple to use.
Since 1973, we’ve helped thousands of customers across the world prevent equipment failures, identify energy losses, and return home safe to their families and we are just getting started. Join us as we continue to grow to support our mission in the relentless pursuit of customer excellence.

Our People

We do not micro-manage. You are responsible for your region and the customers within it. Our team understands that some days may be longer, and some may be shorter and that maintaining the right work-life balance is crucial in a non-traditional workday.

They can’t be masters of everything. We have built a team based on the culture fit which provided us with a diverse team of varying skill sets and experience. They rely on their team to support them and grow as an individual and as a team.

Every decision we make is through the lens of our customers. We ask, “what is the best decision for our customer?” before any decision is made. We put our existing customers before revenue and do not use sale performance as a metric.
Meet Your Colleagues

"UE is a company that inspires me, a technology that I feel passionate about, a position that challenges me and stretches me into different areas, management that encourages and empowers me to do my best and great work environment and team spirit. Overall, it's been a great place to work and I'm excited for the growth of UE SYSTEMS."

"UE Systems has provided me with a great life/work balance. Being a self-motivated person can provide a tremendous amount of personal development. To date, I’ve been able to achieve multiple certifications, published industrial articles, and created endless amounts of industry content. This company is a great family of people who constantly want to see you succeed."

"At the end of my work day, I like to feel accomplished, that I made a difference and that I am a valued member of my team. At UE Systems, I feel that way and so much more… bonus that all these are achievable while working remotely!"

"I have been with UE Systems since the fall of 2020 and it has been a wonderful ride so far. What I appreciate most about the company is the strong focus on continuous improvement. We are living proof that you can teach an old dog new tricks!"

"As a Training Specialist with UE Systems, I have the privilege of teaching certification courses, providing in depth insight surrounding Ultrasonic Technology. Seeing individuals, teams, and organizations achieve desired goals through initial and continual support is an unmatched feeling. UE Systems is more than a job, it’s a culture of problem solving, support, and exploited passions."
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