
Analyze recorded sounds and diagnose severity of electrical and mechanical faults.

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Spectralyzer is a software that allows you to analyze recorded sounds to accurately diagnose electrical and mechanical faults, including bearings at slow speeds. This software provides inspectors with the tools to perform spectral analysis on sound files.

Spectralyzer is a software that allows you to analyze recorded sounds to accurately diagnose electrical and mechanical faults, including bearings at slow speeds. This software provides inspectors with the tools to perform spectral analysis on sound files.

Why use Spectralyzer?

Easy to Download and Use

  • Record sound files to identify electrical and mechanical faults such as corona, arcing, and tracking
  • Spectrum analyzer creates a visual image of sound
  • Very useful for slow-speed bearings

Accurate Diagnostics and Reporting

  • Recording, saving, and analyzing WAV files is simple
  • FFT, time series, dual, waterfall
  • Analyzing in real-time or from a stored sound file

Bearing Fault Calculator

Download included with equipment

For more resources on Spectralyzer, visit our Learn & Connect center.

Spectralyzer is a powerful tool for inspectors looking to accurately diagnose electrical and mechanical faults

Brochures & Certificates

For related Spectralyzer user manuals and specifications, visit our Learn & Connect center.

See how easy it is to stop problems before they stop production.