In these courses, we will cover:
- Sound Theory and Ultrasonic Principles
- Electrical and Mechanical Inspection
- Bearing Monitoring, Trending, Lubrication, and Analysis
- Condition-Based Lubrication
- Reporting
- Leak Detection
- Steam Traps and Valves Inspection
- Compressed Air Leak Surveys
- Improve Asset Availability and Profitability
Complete Program & Topics
- Welcome and Introduction
- Certification Requirements for Level I, II, and III
- Applications
- Sound Theory
- Equipment Descriptions
- Equipment Identification Exercise
- Hands-On
- Practical Test
- Introduction
- Theory – Leak Physics
- Leak Inspection
- Applications – Organizing and Conducting A Compressed Air Leak Survey
- Proper Equipment and Sensor/Accessory Selection
- Proper Equipment Set-Up
- Leak Inspection Techniques
- Locating and Measuring Leaks
- Documentation Report Generation
- Practical Test
- Introduction
- Electrical Inspection
- Theory – Physics of Electricity
- Corona, Tracking, and Arcing – Cause and Effects
- Proper Equipment and Sensor/Accessory Selection
- Proper Equipment Set-Up
- Techniques for Safe Inspection of Energized Electrical Systems
- Introduction to Analyzing Sound Files, Gauging Severity of Electrical Anomalies
- Case Studies
- Structure-borne Ultrasound Theory
- Troubleshooting Valves, Compressors, and Hydraulic Systems
- Practical Test
Steam Trap Inspection
- Steam Physics – Steam Trap Overview
- Proper Equipment and Sensor/Accessory Selection
- Proper Equipment Set-Up
- Steam Trap Inspection Techniques
- Practical Test
Mechanical Inspection
- Mechanical Condition-Monitoring Inspection Physics
- Proper Equipment and Sensory/Accessory Selection
- Proper Equipment Set-Up
- Bearing Inspection/Condition-Monitoring Techniques
- Route Creating and Data Management
- Practical Test
- Exam Review
- General, Specific, and Practical Examination
- Welcome and Introduction
- Review Sound Theory and Principles of Ultrasound
- Review Software – Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting
- Student Case History Presentations
- Practical Test
- Leak Inspection
- Theory Review
- Pressure Leaks
- Vacuum Leaks
- Flow Rate Charts, Conversion Formulas and Cost Analysis
- Develop a Compressed Air Program/Procedure
- Student Case History Presentations
- Practical Test
- Theory and Inspection Methods Review
- Electrical Inspection
- Ultrasound Events/Heat Events
- Spectral Analysis: Recording, Using Overlays, Developing Configurations, Analyzing
- Develop an Electrical Inspection Program/Procedure
- Structure-Borne Ultrasound
- Theory Review Valve Inspection
- Configuring Instruments, Software for ABCD Record Keeping and Reporting
- Review of Compressors
- Practice Test
- Theory and Procedures on Steam Trap Inspection Review
- Mechanical Inspection
- Software for Steam Trap Record Keeping, Data Logging, and Steam Cost Analysis
- Bearings – Monitoring, Trending, and Lubrication
- Spectral Recording and Analysis – Ultratrend Setup, Upload/Download, Alarm Groups, Trend Reports
- Develop A Bearing Detection/Lubrication Best Practice Procedure
- Student Technology Presentations
- Practical Test
- Review of Materials for Final (45 min)
- Final Examination (2 hours)

Ultrasound Users Boot Camp and best practices for rotating equipment
25 - 27 June, 2024
Aloft Dhahran Hotel, Al Khobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Looking for more information and on-site possibilities?